Snake Charmer: a charmer of charmers, charming us all.

....The number of true visionaries is steadily decreasing, the definition of true artistry has succumbed to a viral dance on Tik Tok and the f***ing ice caps are melting. And amidst all of that, I am sat here listening to the last 21 seconds of Taveet and thinking, Raf Saperra is the artist we never knew we needed, but now can’t live without....

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SOVPRO - Ode to an entrance theme: a Horroh story.

Before I joined the SOVPRO team, before I knew anything about what goes on behind that thin black curtain, before I knew of the existence of indie wrestling and of the insane amount of work that goes into every aspect of the show, I was just a fan. A fan of guitar riffs, very specific breakdowns and those infamous one-liners that had the power to lift thousands of people from their seats and have them erupt into cheers and clapping and just pure excitement!

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